The Government has announced that from 1 July 2025, an additional tax of 15% will apply to a new definition of ‘earnings’ for superannuation balances exceeding $3 million.
The increased tax will apply to individuals with a Total Superannuation Balance of $3 million or more on 30 June 2025. This includes all superannuation, across both pension and accumulation accounts, across all superannuation funds.
The new tax will commence for the 2026 financial year, and the initial tax assessments will be sent to members after 30 June 2026.
Nothing at this stage – there are many significant questions and concerns that will be raised with Treasury as part of the consultation process before legislation is drafted.
In addition, the new system will not apply until the 2026 financial year, allowing people to consider their own situation prior to this and restructuring if necessary.
Essentially, the ATO will use the below calculation to determine how much tax is payable:
Earnings = Total Superannuation Balance (on 30 June of the current year) – Total Superannuation Balance (on 30 June of the previous year) + withdrawals – net contributions.
The earnings will then be apportioned to only include the amount over $3 million.
Proportion = (Total Superannuation Balance (on 30 June of the current year) – $3 million) / Total Superannuation Balance (on 30 June of current year)
If the above calculation results in a loss, then the member will be entitled to a carry forward loss to offset increases in subsequent years – however, there is no tax refund applicable.
We will keep you updated as this matter develops.
Click here to download the Business & Profit Matters Newsletter – Summer 2023
Click here to download the Business & Profit Matters Newsletter – Spring 2022
Click here to download the Budget 2022-23
The NSW Government has released a range of support options for NSW flood affected residents.
Please see details below:
Housing support
Rental support
The Rental Support scheme will provide up to 16 weeks of financial rental support to flood victims in temporary accommodation. Total funding available will depend on the number of people per household including children.
To be notified when more information is available, please register your details or call 13 77 88.
Temporary housing support
If you’re staying with friends and family right now but will need accommodation in the coming weeks (and months), the Temporary Housing Support Package can assist with:
Financial support
Immediate financial help and payments are available to people living in disaster declared areas.
If you live in or lease a rental property that has been affected by a flood or storm, tenants and landlords have certain rights and responsibilities relating to payment of rent, damage to belongings and urgent repairs.
Any tenancy related disputes following a natural disaster can be taken to the Tribunal.
Essentials and clean-up support
All flood-impacted households will receive clean-up assistance, including the removal of debris, mud and green waste. Skip bins and dump trucks will start to appear on streets. Where there are no skip bins or dump trucks available, separate waste on the kerbside until they arrive.
Cleaning up after a natural disaster can be dangerous – here’s some advice on how to clean up safely and deal with hazardous waste.
Please contact your client manager should you require further information.
The ATO has recently announced a major focus on Section 100A of the tax law – the area of the law focusing on trust distributions to associated family members, commonly referred to as splitting income among the family.
Specifically, the ATO will focus its attention on cases where a trust distribution is made to a family member, for the primary purpose of capturing a lower tax bracket.
30 June 2022 is expected to be transitional period, with the proposals to be implemented from 1 July 2022. There are sections of the ruling that can apply retrospectively, so it is important to be reviewing your position sooner rather than later.
At this stage, the ruling is currently open for consultation, and we expect further discussion and announcements over the coming weeks and months. We will keep you updated with changes as they occur.
If you are a client of HYD Advisory, your Client Manager will be covering this topic with you in your next catch up.
We will need to review your specific circumstances and cover alternative tax minimisation strategies that may be available to you (for example, using a “bucket company” with various classes of shares issued to family members) to allow you to split income with family members.
Click here to download the Business & Profit Matters Newsletter – Summer 2022
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